My husband and I were both very disappointed when we saw this film.
It is about low-IQ Forrest Gump, who has a mom who believes in mainstreaming him (saying that stupid is as stupid does whenever Forrest comes home with bruised feelings - the saying is meant to help little Forrest feel better about himself) and an unusual athletic ability which gets him a college scholarship.
There were portions of this film that were far too long. The main section that was too long was the one in which Gump spends time in the hospital for an injury on his buttock (a relatively quaint term for which most of us substitute a swear word beginning with a). I would also have liked to see this movie spend more time on Forrests relationship with Jenny. The movie spends so much time on a relatively minor injury that it has to compress the significant parts of his relationship with Jenny into just a half hour or so at the end of the film.