My grandfather was treated under dr vivek nangai and dr sabyasachi bal, his condition deteriorated continuously but my father got information that he is doing fine. His last xray had full whiteout of left lung even though the treating doctors discharged him and my grand father died the very next day in a makeshift arrangement in front of hospital.The bill for his treatment came upto 6 lacs and at last we only got his dead body in hand.I want to ask the treating pulmonologist and thoracic surgeon that r they human beings, do they have any insight of what they are doing over there. Dr bal was very confident that nothing will happen to my grand father but he died finally.r u people only working for money, I gone through the bill of vasant kunj fortis and I could make out how much pain my grandfather would have undergon under this bunch of fools who r cheating patients.
Meedical oath has to be written again by dr vivek and dr bal.if any body reading this article could understand our pain and loss what we r going thru.