I have bought a Ford Feista 1.6 SXI Petrol from M/s Fortune Ford in Hyderabad, India on 26-July-2010.
Inefficiency or ignorance of the dealership staff forced me not enjoy my new car till now as the registration of the car is not yet completed. My rigorous follow up of three and a half month did some work. Dealership sent me to the RTO (Regional Transport Authority) Kondapur on 11-Nov-2010 and meet their representative Mr. Anand who was supposed to process registration of my new Ford.
To my utter surprise Mr. Anand asked me Rs. 2500 for doing this work. Furious, I called up dealership and told them that Im being asked to pay out of the invoice / quotation of the car I purchased. The response I got from the dealership was not very convincing but they negotiated Rs. 1500 and requested me to pay it to the agent... I had to bow down to RTO Agents demand. He gave me a receipt of only Rs. 658 though.
Now after 2 weeks Im still waiting for the registration of my Ford. While contacting dealership, not getting any response and it looks like they are not interested in this case anymore. The sale is done!