This book is exceptional in the real sense.Lets look at the conventional types of plots on which novels are constucted.crimescience fictionmedical science + thirillerphilosophy
The first three category of novels are often very mean.
Lets take philosophy..Here we believe that the author has some view (own or borrowed) on life.
He speaks on that view through a or more charecter(s) in the novel. Fountain head is one like this
But its exceptional even in the philosophical category.
In a single word the authors view on life is:
"A Man should do THE right thing in every aspect of life without any compromises"Authour portrays this through the charecter Roark, an Architect.Roark wants every building to be constructed RIGHT.A bvuilding should meet its purpose.What is the purpose? It should be the best place within the budget to live on.But in reality this factor is not often taken into account while constructing a building.What do majority of people expect normally?It should look goodThe neighbour should get jealous*I should feel proud when my friends visit the houseSo the resultant building is not RIGHT.Roark refuses to build anything which does not have THE RIGHT purpose.So what happens? He was hated for he is genius, he is strong, and he is not compromising.
So the meaners try to destroy him.Stop...stop...Here comes the stupidity of Author...1)Elsworth Toohey can not exist in real world People cannot be so fool that Galland Stones(I dont remember the exact name) would get that much popular.And Elsworh Tooheys can NEVER NEVER imagine about ruling he world.The author has given unneccessary hype to the charecter Elsworh Toohey ( who works for a newspape and promoted meaners?)Why he promotes meaners? (Because at one point the world will be full of meaners and he can rule it..(wait, , it was not said as simple as the novel))This sounds like a stupid reason for me.Because at one point in time Elsworth Tooheys would be caught. People would come to know that what he is writing is sh*t.(For e-x) Take a real world example - Microsoft.
I believe majority(who is into computer sciences rather than the end user) would know that Microsoft is SHT. All of their products does not have any truth in it.So if someone tries to say Hey MS rocks" or someother sht....he would loose his face in the community (People who are into computer science...not the end users)
So Elsworth Toohys cannot exist.2)There are no Dominuque Francons in the real world Dominique Francon can not be that intelligent.Reason? She is a female. Proof: Look at our history of inventions...... Galeleo, Albert Einstein, Newton, Edison, Right Brothers, Louie Paster, Nobel, Kalam, Dennis Ritchie, Ken Thompson, The only female inventor that I know is Mary curie..there can be few little more.But look at the figures.
I can gaurate you that the ratio can be 500:1 So based on this proof I conclude that females cannot be true intelligent . So is AynRand not a true intelligent? Yes she is not.If she is...then Dominique Francon would not exist in fountain head. These are the two major flaws in the novel as far as Im concerned. But this does not stop the novel to be a very good one and a Must Read The charecterization of Gayle Wynand is beautiful to say the least. It is also a inspiring charecter besides Roark. It leaves some disturbing feeling in you when you come to know what Gayle did at the last.The end of that charecter was an apt one.I love Gayles yacht for its name " I Do"...thats a fascinating idea
Guys read this book for It may disturb you.