THE FOUNTAINHEAD- a bestseller written by Ayn First published in 1943I bought this book from the bookstore at the delhi airport because of one simple reason- I had read it in an interview, some bollywood actress had named this book as the one that changed her life.This book has had an effect that is inexplicable, the book celebrates Objectivism , exalts and glorifies the individual , the genius, the sheer power and ability of man to create and to experience joy in Creation.I wont go into the details of the story , the plot etc. ( they can be read elsewhere).Its about an aspiring architect Howard Roark who stands for his ideals , defies all convention tradition, lives for himself, its about his love for architecture. His character is powerful one. The world doesnt exist for him. He refuses to compromise on his ideals , his ideals which are totally his own - neither preached nor necessarily approved by any book , tradition or human. His creations were not of any particular style, they were not what had been taught to him ( studied at stanton architecture institute from where he was expelled for not following what had been pronounced as the greatest, for trying to surpass what was considered to be sacred). His creations in the authors words " were simply howard roark". He was simply himself, not what people expected him to be or wanted him to be.
And he was not different just for the sake of being different, he was that way simply because it was HIM - and it was his love for creation , for building, his brilliant mind that he was a genius. He lived not to desire success, not to gain acceptance from others, not for money, but for his love for building and that made him happy , satisfied.Roarks love interest is Dominique Francon ( the perfect woman for Roark) who marries Peter Keating (Roarks antithesis).Another important character is Ellsworth Toohey (who is the villain) who does not want the world to rise above mediocrity beacuse he has not been able to rise above his own.
The book celebrates rationalism, that there is a purpose for everything, it celebrates mans power.It emphasises on the need of honesty and sincerity , to break away from the false lives we are leading. This book is an inspiring one- but it is against what I have thought was right all my life, the idea of objectivism is much too radical and at times , it seems to border on selfishness.
The danger posed by reading such books is that one actually starts believing in what has been written, it seems to be too convincing.In the end this book leaves my mind thoughtful and muddled- to believe what I have believed for most of my life or to approve of the notion that "human ego is the fountainhead of progress".Seems like the book that propagates individuality has taken away that very individuality from me- Because now I dont know which school of thought I stand for.