I was never into reading but when I felt that reading is essential and imperative I started looking for a book, while googling for my first book I came accross fountain head and was awestruck by the books size and at the same time library incharge came and told me that u wont b able to read it because "its a high funda book"(he knows that im at inception of my reading journey) n also he told me that this is not your cup of tea , try some other book.His words hurted me n now its a matter of ego n self for me so I took that book and took 1 month to complete the same.
I was totally mesmerised by ayn rands way of describing a individual and her understanding of individuals. I often try to google for howard roark & toohey in my own self , the terms like iconoclast, creator, ego, brazen, indivisuality, groupism etc are very clear to me.
I have learnt a lot from this book and would like to endrose howard roark philosophy
I always try to follow different charecters at different places & suitations.This book has made me a avid and voracious reader.