I am not permitted to use the four letter word that is a part of the name of this Author.But I cannot modify her name without commiting suicide.So I refer to her as Ayn.I have had very few friends all my life. I have always wanted someone who would understand me.After 19 years of my life, I found that person-Ayn . Now, I am a content man.I shall lead the rest of my life beings certain about the fact that I am not an odd man out. There are people who have been like me and who have thought like me.She has literally ripped through my head and written down my thoughts.The book gave me orgasmic pleasure when I read it.I thank her.She has made me sure I am a human being.I cannot call it a book. That would be an understatement. I do not wish to write in words how much it means to me.That can never be said.Yet I review for only one reason.To ask you to read it. It is not a book that I can rate because it is not a book that teaches me anything.It is a book that tells me I am right.It is not a book that instructs but a book that approves. Read the book if before you forget what a human being really is. If ever I shall worship a God it will be Howard Roark.If ever I shall love a woman it will be Dominique Francon.If ever I shall have a friend it will be Ayn.