Objectivism! Thats the bottomline of this book.
Only after having read The Fountainhead, I became aware the concept called Objectivism. Objectivism is undeterred following of your objectives.
The first few pages would make you feel like throwing the book away. But, if you are avid readed and really love getting engrossed, this is for you. And really, if you are the kind who jus loves to love anything, you may feel the book is about you. The best thing in the book, or can say in the concept of Objectivism, was the way Roark loved his beloved, not the girl but his love for Architecture, and never fell weak on his knees. He went on with whatever came onto him.
The storyline is quite fine, but the end is little boring and becomes very predicatable. The best part is the mid-section of the book :)! At this point the story achieves a high and really keeps one make read further.
Overall, I would recommend this book to every genuine reader!
Read it and let me know if my views were actually useful to you.