Deep within yourself lies a Howard Roark. You just need to bring him within your consciousness.......This is something I realised on reading this book called fountainhead. Everyone of us has a person within us who wants to be approved and wants to be constantly approved. But the change we have to bring within ourselves is that we should seek that approval from our own self rather than from others. Being honest to yourself is another key to such self actualization. Its not easy, believe me, infact it is the most difficult thing to do. To tell yourself that you are not the person you wish to be. But it is very important to realize that only if you accept the fact that you are not the person you wish to be, will you actually strive to be the person you want to be. Peter Keating. another character in the book was completely opposite to what Howard Roark was. He wanted to be approved and cherished by all and that was what success meant to him. Eventually. his success destroyed him. Dominique, although was a bit complex for me to understand in the beginning, I finally understood what she had acheived when the story ended. She had finally gained him in the end, and gained him in a true purpose. Gained him without living with the fear always that she would one day destroy herself by seeing him destroyed.
This book in itself will take you through a process of self realization and will make you see what you are and will make you realize what you want to be. One important lesson that I learnt from this book is that- you dont need someone else to tell you that you are good at something. That does not mean that you should be conceited and over confident. Rather it means knowing your self worth, realizing your capacity and abilities, not under mining yourself and not over emphasizing your abilities. In short, it talks of a perfect balance. A perfect balance within yourself, a perfect balance in your life.........and that is what I think this book teaches you.......and that is success.