I am sure that by now many of you would have already read this wonderful book. Ayn Rnd was able to give a very vivid and effective description of a person living a life based on her theories/rules in this book. This was the first book I read that was authored by Ayn Rnd and since that I have read all the books written by her.
In my opinion to understand her theories, this book is the best point to start, it could be followed by Atlus Shrugged. But read the second one only after you have been able to fully digest first one (I would suggest a minimum period of two months between the to readings....that is the time I dared to read another of her book)
Ayn Rnds support for individualism seems to be so obvious at first glance but when I start going into details and see my own life in that light, I do not like what I see. I would certainly like to be like Howard Roak, but I do not find too much similarity there......
She makes explosive statements....statements like Peater Keating was the most selfless person in her story and that Howard Roak was the most selfish!!! and that slefishness is not a bad thing but instead a good one !!! What we have been taught all our lives seems to go away in a puff....and a new understanding of things around you begin to form in your mind....It takes time to understand and digest statements like these for a person of my IQ :)....
When I talk to my friends about this book, I get two types of reviews either Very Good or Very Bad....I have yet to come across anyone who has said that it was OK.
If you have not yet read this book, please do read it...I am sure you will see and begin to understand some more logics and reasons for things happening around you.