Freecharge is a great website which is being used by millions of user per day. Initially when it was launched, there were ads on TVs, Newspaper and on the internet that says "do a recharge of xx amount and get the coupon of the same amount". Being a college student I use to do recharge a lot and hence I got attracted by freecharge. Initially just to test, I did a recharge of Rs 20, and it gave me so many coupons to choose from. I was overwhelmed and selected a dominos pizza voucher. I was happy and started using it for every recharge.
One thing which I didnt like was if you are doing a recharge of more than Rs 500, even then you will get maximum of 50-100Rs coupon. User Interface and ease of use is great here.
At the end of review I will say that Freecharge is nice website and it will surely help you saaving money in terms of coupons.
Currently I am using PayTm, since it has offer and it provides cashback on each and every recharge. Also, I can use this cashback to watch movies, shopping and for other things.