I had to do it after I read Abbeys review. I went back to Free samples to see how things looked.
If I had written this review a year or so ago, I would have been raving that everyone ought to check this out. At the time, the samples were so plentiful that there was a 3 sample minimum for mailing and that was accomplished in a day or two. As Abbey described, the price for samples is a short survey for each product. Back in those days, you made your choices, did the surveys and a week later a little box arrived in the mail. These contained your choices and some cute little post-its with the company logo. I received at least 6 of these in a couple of months. I told everyone about the site! Then things started to slow down. The site changed and allowed you to select/receive samples every two weeks. Soon it took more than a month to get the 2-3 necessary for mailing. Once or twice I did get enough and they came after many weeks-no little post its anymore. I tried requesting email notice of available samples. I just got more spam. I finally gave up.
So the other day I visited again. Its been at least 4 months since I last checked it out. They had no samples for me. They now have special offers basically links to others trying to sell you something.
Now, for all those who like sampling, I have a suggestion. Whenever you visit a sample site and find something you want to try and they are out-go to the manufacturers website. Some have their own samples available. If not, email the company and tell them you saw their product on freesample.com (or whatever site) and you were really looking forward to trying it. At least half the time-you will get something back-a sample or a coupon. My sister has small children and does this frequently. (she also does the same to praise or complain about products with similar results).