Hey everyone
Freshersworld.com is simply a site where you get detailed info related to fresh job.In this site you get links realted to private job, goverment job as well as you can find compitition level questions of GATE, CAT, IOCL, SSC, BHEL, FLIPKART and many more.
Service - If you are thinking that by this site you got the job than you are wrong.this sites only helps you by notifying related to new jobs and vacancy.I personally thinks that the service ginen by this site is good and regularly updated.
This site is informative too, if you are a student than you find some links of internship in govt.firms as well as private too.This is that site who perform like allrounder in jobs and education providing stuff.
Design/Usability - Design is simple if you are new on technology no problem you handle it easily.
every different type of job is seperated under there job portal department hence you easily find your type of job according to your prefrence and if you are seeking private job than make your profile on freshersworld.com they will notify you if your skill is matching to the job description.
Website load time is great, you reach at site with blink of an eye.
In the last but not least I adding one thing more fresherworld also advice you and help you in making of your resume and gave interview tips.So go I and try may be you get some help.