Tried finding a place to vent my frustration on Tamil Nadus silly, greedy, one-sided Liquor Sales points called TASMAC. These rediculous, Tamil Nadu Government Operated shops are the only places where you can buy liquor in this silly state! They are dirty, un-organised places run by absolute thugs who are sponsored by Tamil Nadu Government big wigs! They are rude and blatantly cheat EVERY SINGLE customer whthout any fear of getting caught because they have government backing! None of the TASMACs ever have a good choice of liquor to choose from. Its more take-what-you-get-or-get-out attitude that they have!
When you buy booze from these guys just check the actual price (mentioned on every bottle) and total it up before paying them, THEY ALWAYS ADD ABOUT 200 rupees to the bill and hope you wont realise! The sily TN Govt. Has set up vigilance centres that are supposed to keep track of erring TASMAC centres, but the numbers they have provided never work and the TASMAC guys don’t care anyway because they have political backing! This is GOONDAism on a GOVERNMENT SCALE!!