Friends FM in Kolkata started off with a bang. It was good initially with those feel-good talks on friendship, Anjan Dutt playing Cliff Richard on Sunday evennings and the like.
But, now it is becoming more and more boring with the stereotyped chat, and the RJs sounding depressed most of the times. The phone-ins drag on and on and from callers who have their own wails to transmit over radio. The number of songs per hour are probably lesser than any other channel with talk and advertisements dominating most of the airtime. The majority of radio listeners are those who are on the move and for them good music is the only attraction. The contests are uninteresting and blatantly talk of sending more SMS, which of course require not much of gray matter to understand why.
However, my biggest disappointment came today. Today is Kishore Kumars birthday. Throughout the day, they should have been playing Kishoredas immortal songs. But hardly they played any forcing me to switch over to another channel. Who wants to listen to Nachiketa or Lopamudra today? If one(who is above 30) does, he, in my view(well quite seriously) should be charged for sedition.