I am a friends addict....there is no go anymore.....
My perfect day would be a weekday holiday, you get to watch the afternoon friends rerun of previous day on Star World, you go to Zee english to catch theirs.
THrow in a homeimprovement , and then sleep for sometime, go out to buy some food....come back and you are ready for 8:00 pm at zee english, 8:30 pm star world, aur phir 11:00 pm zee english.....
So what if they are repeats, reruns or reanything ....as long they have chandler, monica, joey, ross, phoebe, rachel ( strictly in that order)......i would re do anything.....
I mean , it is so natural, u can put yourself in all of the places of the characters and KNOW what they are sad, happy, confused about.....
take for instance the episode, where rachel doesnt know where her life is going...and ends up depressing everyone cos no one knows even at 28/29 where their lives are going......now, isnt that something I would relate to?
It is one serial which can make anyone smile, even a friends cynic....i have converted a zillion ( ok not so many) of my cynic friends into liking the serial.....
Ofcourse I do sometimes feel that the script is partial to Rachel , she is the meaniest of them all, and yet she gets and upperhand every where.
Take the episode where she hires this handsome italian ( sigh) guy as an assistant against the old experienced Hilda.....she goes and tells other babes in office that he is gay, then when he shows interest in Phoebe , she tells him that she is gay......i mean come ON......script writer stop it......she is jennifer aniston...so what.....monica, chandler, ross, joey and phoebe deserve that special ink u write in too once in a while......
Each of them are a character you would have met somewhere sometime in life.......
Monica - clean, scrub, clean and scrub somemore. SHe is the most helpful and warmest of them all. I cannot see a thing out of place, so what if I am close to having an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I will still get up in the middle of the night and go straigten that crooked shoe lying in the middle of my living room.....
Chandler - Possibly portrayed as the most intelligent/successful/with a job person on the serial. yet curiously insecure about loneliness, about people thinking he is gay, about being obsessive about peoples features and mannerisms. I will not concentrate on her big head, quick let me list 5 good things about her, good smile, great dresser, BIG HEAD, BIG HEAD, BIG HEAD!!
Joey - The supremely intelligent robocop .... he is so nicely portrayed as dumb, that u cannot but like him.Big guy but a small boy, easily dissappointed and easily happy. Usu tends not to follow trains of any kind, least of all trains of thought. Are we still talking about sex?
Phoebe - The quintessential link between the gone 70s and all the present and future ages. The rings, the hairstyles, the dressing, the veggie, the spaced out feeling...all 70s...and yet bang right on point and relevant logically even today.
so if you are so advanced, can your arrogant mind not accept that there could be 1% chance that the world did not evolve.......Ross = ummmmmmmm, mebbe there is ....Phoebe = i cant believe you gave up your convictions so easily, I have lost respect for you
Ross = The lost boy, who was happier with mommy than a lesbian wife, or a dominant girlfriend...or happier with a monkey. He does look like one too in a cute sort of way. Overpronouncing every syllable, and flopping those big hands, and loving his fossils ( :-)
We ( marcel and I ) had our first fight yesterday night
Rachel = The typical hot babe in the group. The blond bomshell, with moves ( usu of the other kind ) up her sleeve to get her work done. A spoilt brat, who hates not having her way.
Can you see the superb characterising in the serial. why do we all like it . Look around , see those 5 or 6 people you hang around with....dont you see some traces of all these characters....i do....and thats why I enjoy this serial so much......
In pure Calvin ( frm Calvin & Hobbes) style....
Perfect day = sitting in front of the tv on the couch, with the jaw hanging lose, neck burried in my shoulders, laughing at every 5 seconds...