Hooked!!! Like a fish needs water, I need “Friends”. It’s a strange obsession, one that consumes both your time and your mind, but leaves you with a big sense of satisfaction and a smile that will last you.
The Boys:-
Ross: Paleontologist
Married thrice (till the present season),
Hopeless romantic,
In love with Rachael
Two kids (one girl and one boy)
Joey: Actor
Soft hearted
Best friend of Chandler
Huge appetite.
Chandler: No One is sure what he does
Best friend of Joey
Married to Monica
Clown of the group.
The Girls:-
Monica: Chef
Married to Chandler
Cleanliness Freak.
Ross’s Sister.
Rachael: Waitress/ buying assistant.
Mother to Ross’s Baby girl.
Off again and on again with Ross.
Phoebe: Masseur
60’s Fashions
Freaky by nature
Most carefree of the group.
Got an evil twin sister.
That will do for the introduction.
The serial basically revolves around the lives of these six friends and how they lead their lives together and as a group. And yeah also major players are the two apartments and Central Perk, the coffee house.
I have hooked on to this serial for the past 6-7 years if I am not wrong. I wait all day to go back home and watch at least one serial that is aired. To say the least I have watched every episode till date and watched most of the episodes at least twice.
The magic factor in this serial is the fact that people can relate to it in some way or the other. Every group of friends has someone who cracks a joke at every given chance just like Chandler does, Some one who keeps falling in love and every time claims “this is the one”, just like Ross. There is always one person who is lovable and who loves the whole group unconditionally, just like Joey.
Then there is someone like Monica who loves to have control, and someone like Rachael, who always depends on the group for everything and then who can forget that one person who comes up with lines totally out of the topic being discussed just like Phoebe. Come on, take a good look at your group of friends and you will the similarities. Makes your heart warm doesn’t it?
When Rachael realize that Ross loves her. (When Chandler blurts it out) The look on Rachael’s face and the scared look on Chandler’s face is hilarious. But when Rachael goes to the Airport to receive Ross and sees him with his Girl friend getting off the plane, she tries to run, trips and falls and gets hurt, and then she pretends that she knew all long that Ross has found a girlfriend in China.
When Ross realizes that Rachael knows he loves her, and now she loves him too. And when he goes back to Central Perk after hours just to meet Rachael, makes ones heart skip a beat. That unfortunately is the beginning of the whole on again off again relationship.
All the scenes where Ross and Rachael get back together. Yipeeee
All the scenes where Chandler and Joey hug. Shows the love that these two friends feel for each other. It’s the tight quick hug that they share. Seems to the viewer like the perfect way to express affection to your best friend with ought over doing it.
When Chandler stays in a box, when he feels bad that he kissed Joey’s Girl friend. That was a really funny at the same time a heart touching scene. That is because, Chandler feels so bad, that he accepts the punishment that Joey gives him and stays in the box, even when the girl he likes so much walks away.
Where Chandler and Joey adopt a Duck and a Hen. Oh my god can anyone forget that. In spite of the no pets policy in their building the hen and the duck are adopted. Scenes like where Monica is allergic to the duck and when the duck eats Rachael’s face cream and pukes all over the place bring a smile to the face. Who can not smile at the way Joey talks to the duck and the hen and bathes them too?
Ross and his monkey ‘Marcel’. Remember Marcel dancing to the tune ‘In the jungle the wild jungle’? Need I say more? I admit I cried when Marcel was taken away, but hey he landed an acting job , not bad. I bet Joey was Jealous.
When Chandler proposes to Monica. After running around all over the place thinking that he has lost Monica, Chandler comes back to find their places alit and Monica waiting for him. I was ecstatic when he proposed and Monica accepted.
When Rachael thinks Joey proposed to her , . This scene was so damn cute. Just because Joey finds a ring and bends down on one knee to pick it up, Rachael thinks he is proposing and says yes. That was really a shocker.
When all the friends take a trip to London (except Phoebe and Rachael.)one scene that stands out in my mind is when Joey tries on a huge hat with the flag of Britain on it, turns around to Chandler and asks “so what do you think?”, Chandler answers, “good, now I won’t have to buy the I AM WITH STUPID T-shirt”………………….
There are countless memorable moments and many hook ups from the first serial to this present tenth season. Every serial brings out the laughter form within you. I do not fail to watch the show once a day, and I have always had fun.
There is only one thing that comes to mind whenever I watch the show, “May everyone have friends just like these that love and support you through the trials and trivialities, share you joy and be there for you whenever you need them.”
Last but not the least I have to mention the theme song and some of the words from it. These words ring close to heart and I felt the need to share them with you.
I’ll be there for you when the rain starts to pour
I’ll be there for you, like I have been there before
I’ll be there for you, coz you are there for me too.
No one can ever know me,
No one can ever see me,
Since you’re the only one who knows, what its like to be me,
Some one to share the day with, spend it through all the night with
Some one whom I’ll always laugh with,
Even at the worst I’m best with you……………………………
So friends wish you all the friendship in the world,
Signing off for now.