Well, there are more than 10 things I love about Friends, but here are my absolute favourites.
Phoebe: She’s my favourite character. I absolutely love her. She’s lives on a parallel universe most of the time, and is completely flaky. But she also turns out to be the most mature of the lot, sometimes. Her unique music and silly songs (Smelly Cat, etc.) are, well, unique. Everything, from her sense of style, her interactions with people (alive and dead, ha ha) and her unusual candor, sets her apart and makes everyone love her.
Joey’s appetite: Joey can eat!!! Anything, everything. Even stuff other’s can’t, like the dessert Rachel accidentally made with meat in it. He once ate an entire Thanksgiving turkey by himself, and still had room for pie. The only kind of action Joey really digs other than romancing the ladies is digestion.
Chandler and Monica: I’m a complete romantic and nothing’s sweeter than 2 friends falling in love. Unlike Ross and Rachel who’ve always had romantic chemistry, Chandler and Monica stumble into love. Their relationship is so much fun, what with Chandler’s commitment phobia and Monica’s perfectionism.
The relationship woes of Ross Geller: Ross has encountered every relationship hurdle anyone possibly can. A lesbian first wife, an insecure second wife, an accidental third wife… His long time love for Rachel is consummated 9 years later and still doesn’t go right for him. Some of the funniest stuff on Friends revolves around the unsuccessful relationship issues of poor Ross.
The guest star line-up: Take a wildly successful sitcom and throw in some big stars. It’s a sure hit. Tom Selleck, Brad Pitt, Susan Sarandon, Christina Applegate, Reese Witherspoon, Greg Kinnear, Alec Baldwin, Bruce Willis, Brook shields, Julia Roberts, Michael Vartan, Kathleen Turner, Sean Penn, David Arquette, Issabella Rosselini… whew! Need I say more.
Janice: She’s painful, annoying and has a laugh that can scratch glass. But her nicely timed entries into the show are hilarious.
Monica’s obsessive compulsive cleaning disorder: There’s nothing Monica can’t clean. Even if it’s clean. Much to the dismay of the others. It’s this little kink that makes Monica fun (apart from her history of being fat). Else I think she’d be such a linear character.
David Crane, Marta Kaufman and Kevin Bright: Writers and producers of the show. Friends is what it is because of these guys and their talented teams.
The cast chemistry: Here are 6 people who fit together, more snugly than a jigsaw puzzle. All the great writing in the world wouldn’t make this show such a hit if the cast didn’t mesh together as well as they do. Perfect comic timing and some serious comedic talent is what has kept television ratings high for 10 seasons.
The Story: Friends is real. The characters are real. Everyone can relate. You can watch the show and say, “Hey, that’s me!” That’s one of the biggest appeals to me. I’m a huge fan!