If you are planning to buy a WM go for front loading, they are much more supirior than the front loaders. I have used both Top Loading and Front Loading. Below are my views
Diff between a Top Loading and a front Loading:
Water Consumption: Water is comsumed is very less amount in front loading than the top loading. The top loading takes almost 2 to 3 medium size bucket of watter for each cycle.ie Wash+ no. of rinse cycle. The front loader wold use less than half the amount of water used by the top loader with the same wash results.
Fabrics last long: Front loaders are gentle to the fabrics than the top loaders. From my personal experiance the fabrics do not loae there texture that early as compared to top loaders. The evidance to support it would be one do not require to clean the lint filer that often, hence the fabric do not loose their fiber.
Quiter Operation: The front loaders are quiter operation than the top loders, hence the noise pollution is less in the house.
4 energy comsumption. Front loaders are more enegery effecient than the top loaders.
5: Front loaders are long lasting and virtually maintainance free.
Average life of front loader is longer than the top loader(So I have read)Dificultises with fronty loaders:
- With front loaders are you need to bend down to load the cloths. So for those who have back problem, using front loaders would be a pain.
2.Front loaders require uninterrupted flow of water to operate.
3.Front loaders are heavy units, and they require to be on a perfectly level base, They should not be moved arround, hence they do not come with base wheels.
So guys, choose the front loader, if you want your fabrics to be damaged less, water to be consumed less, but provided you can over come the above difficultues.HAPPY WASHING