I was introduced to Fruitshoot by my little 5 year old niece, who received it in school through some promotional event. Fruit shoot is nothing but a non-aerated fruity soft drink. It mainly targets the toddler crowd. The juice is packages in colorful sipper bottles. The taste of this juice is mild and tangy and meant for small kids who love sipping on sweet drinks.
So, when your kid asks you to give them a glass of juice when you are serving cold drinks to guests at home, you have a choice to just give them a fruit shoot bottle. The sipper bottle design is quite an intelligent packaging style; just sip and close the bottle and theres no hurdle of opening and closing the lid.
This drink is available in four flavors, namely Orange, Apple and Blueberry, Strawberry and Raspberry, and Apple and Pair. The content of the drink is 300 ml and it costs Rs. 30. The drink is refreshing and doesnt include any colors or added flavors(well this is what the packaging claims, but I dont quite believe the latter part).