Pros :- got this one for just USD 139..another usd 29 on 1 gb xd card, and trust me you cant get a better deal than this for the type of camera it is.-excellent colours-Awesome 3 inch screen-very handy -menu very user friendly and very easy to use....very easy maneuvering-the camera is so fast , starts in fraction of seconds and after flash also its ready to click the next shot in a second. ( THE BEST FEATURE )-has a quite unique feature of clicking 2 snaps at a time.
One with flash one without !!! (2nd BEST :) ) This feature comes in very handy when you are not sure about using the flash or not..-has couple of games too, one which I like particularly was it jumbles the snap taken by you and you have to arrange. Battery life is awesome with fuji in built li-on battery.Cons:- No optical viewfinder, but with a 3 inch screen most of us wont be needing it anyway .Cheers, Mukul.