The series was initially meant for one season, but the fan popularity and demands are the reason which ran for 192 episodes!!!
I ve been watching this since I was 12 years old.. DJ ( Candace Cameron) took my breath away.. lol.. oops . dont tell this to Flora
They entertain you , they make you laugh , and give you tears of joy. Lot of family values, which has a moral or a lesson at the end of each episode. In a lot of episodes you find a message that involves the problems of growing up... and sometimes dealing with situations
Must watch for people of all age groups.
what do you think youd get when you put the below in one show
All-smiling Sports presenter and a talk show host who is always spontaneous ,
a Elvis Presley loving guitar playing chick chasing bike rid in rock n roll enthusiast,
a stand up comedian and a cartoon voice provider.
and three young girls who look up to the above mentioned three as parents.
all this elements have contributed to what I call musically humorous touch to that show.
Bob Saget........................Danny tanner
DJ tanner........................Candace Cameron
Stephanie Tanner.................Jodie Sweetin
Michelle Tanner..................Make Kate Olsen / Ashley Olsen
Uncle Jessie.....................John Stamos
Joey Gladstone...................Dave Coulier ( MY ROLE MODEL)
Rebecca..........................Lori Loughlin
KIM..............................Andrea Barber
Special note on Michelle Tanner
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen are twins , probably taking turns with each episode. but sometimes you see them both in an episode but not for a long time.
The story
Danny Tanner is a sports presenter with three lovely daughters (HAVE MERCY!!!) Dj, Stephanie and Michelle.
His wife dies in a car accident. she was hit by a drunk driver or I assumed this because Dj told Kim in one of the episodes.
Unable to get over her absence and not being able to take care of the three daughters on his own Danny invites his late wifes brother Jesse - whose role model is Elvis Presley has lots of hair and rock n roll aspiring singer. Danny also invites his best friend Joey - whose favorite fiction characters happens to be Popeye, daffy duck, and Bugs bunny, Yogi Bear and Bullwinkle (hahaha...CUT IT OUT)
Jesse and Joey take care of the house and Michelle, while Danny is out to work and DJ and Stephanie are at school.
They also take care of cooking and laundry , helping out the kids with homework and some times helping Danny in handling situations which otherwise Danny cannot do on his own.
some times you find Jesse working part time (or may be full time) for his dad , killing bugs. yeah .. He is a bug exterminator.
Joey also entertains the neighboring kids during the afternoons. basically entertains them, telling them jokes and making faces of funny characters on Cartoons. They call it Joey s Afternoon. Joey does this for two reasons,
one so that Little Michelle has company , she can meet other kids,
two so that he can practice his stand up comedy.
oh did I say two reasons .. make it three .. Also because .. He is a kid stuck in a grownups body ( as told by Jesse)
After two or more seasons , you find Danny co hosting the talk show WAKE UP San Fransisco with Rebecca.
Rebecca is well accepted into the Tanner family household, not only because she is an old friend of Dannys , because she has become Jesses fancy. She also becomes a Big Sister like figure to the Tanner girls.
when DJ had a bad time with a guy, she goes over to Rebeccas place. Rebecca only tries to make her feel better and also offers her friendship and Cousel Its only your heart that broken, trust me when you grow up you are going to break some hearts and get your heart broken once or twice. If theres anything you need to know about being a girl, you know where to find me
Jesse and Becky ( thats rebecca for short) get married , though they had some ups and downs in their relationship in between, not only do they get along, their relationship gets stronger every day. eventually Becky give birth to twin boys. making Michelle a Big sister like to these guys.
Now why is it called FULL HOUSE ?
is it because every one lives in the same house ?
is it because each others presence makes their House Complete.
watch it and find out.
I love all the episodes in FULL HOUSE but it would be unfair to pull out one episode and say it was my favorite.
My Role Model
Davie coulier , is actually a stand up comedian , and provides his voice to a lot of cartoon characters. Full house would just wouldnt be full without him. I am sure anyone who sees this comedy series would agree with me.
you can visit his website
The real Deal
The way Jesse and Joey get along or at least try to get along. Both are of to beating each other with their wise cracks and Nmeed I Mention , they are a real treat to watch, some thing I just fail to capture in words.
I guarantee you, you are going to laugh , forget about your bad day at office or at school.
A must watch for lot of funny reasons. LOL .. CUT IT OUT..
The show is aired on Zee English every day between Monday and Friday , in case you miss that you can catch it @ 11.30 pm .. in case you miss that one too .. you have an entire weeks episodes aired on Saturdays. I am not sure what time , but check out the listings in news papers.
I hope you like this review .. Awaiting your comments...
God bless ya all with all the laughter and happiness
By the way .. if you have seen fairly a lot of episodes you would know why I use CUT IT OUT and HAVE MERCY in this review.