It is been a major question to the companies - which is better- semi automatic or fully automatic. 90% would blindly go for the fully automatic of course and I am one of the 90%. I have been using a fully automatic washing machine from 6 months and I have not come across a single problem yet whatsoever may be. The only problem one faces is that of installation. the fully automatic washing machines reqire a tap only for their purpose and they have to placed in a permanent place, but those with their own houses shouldnt see this as a problem at all.
For the working people this is a fantastic discovery and some machines come with a time fixing function. u can leave it running and come back later to see that the clothes are washed.
But few may say that most automatic machines come with only front loading systems which may be inconvenient to handle. moreover fully automatic machines come with l0ts of other funcitons like keeping clothes fresh, water temperature controller etc.
so my say is to buy a fully automatic washing machine without any further arguments.