I just love this site, and Im totally addicted. The best part is its free. I found the site a couple years ago by accident. I was surfing around the web looking for football pools when stumbled on this site. Its mock money, and you can bet on just about every possible sport, including wallstreet events. There are even entertainment events such as betting on which movie is going to be the weeks highest grossing film. I prefer the nhl and nba games myself. I get more kick watching a game knowing Ive got 50, 000 funbucks riding on them!! LOL!
Not only does the site keep my gambling bug in check, Ive found that it has alot of cool and helpful players. The site has an internal message system built in so players can send tips back and fourth.
I have forgotten to mention that the site also pays out real cash. Not alot, but any free money is good right??? In addition to all the fun you get from betting on your favorite sports, the site divides 1000 a month amongst all the players with a positive balance. The higher your score, the bigger your share of the pot. I highly reccomend this site!