Hi friends, how are you, today I am going to give my review on funfoods peanut butter so lets start.Peanut butter is made up of peanuts which processed in factories for human consumption in right way. Funfoods peanut butter is very good in taste, the texture of its appearance is also soo much gud. You can use this peanut butter with bread slice or simply in gainer shake with milks. There are two varieties of funfoods peanut butter in market. First peanut is very smooth with pieces of small nut and other one is having small pieces of peanuts but both of them are gud and of same taste. Here I am giving nutritional facts of fun foods peanut butter per 100 gm. Are as follow: -ENERGY: - 638 CARBOHYDRATE : -25PROTEIN : -25 SUGAR: -6FAT: -50 VITAMIN B3: - 13430TRANS FAT: -0 VITAMIN E: -13.5SATURATED FAT: -10 VITAMIN B6: -530CHOLESTROL: -0In my opinion thus product is good which is easily available. So try this product if you dont. Thanks for reading.