Funtrivia as the name sounds is very obviously a trivia site.
Anyone want to guess where I learnt about the site first?
Mouthshut - of course. Good guess.
But if you log on to the site the questions aint going to be that simple.
There are quizzes that are easy and simple but the range varies from simple to tough to really tough.
I guess that is the beauty of a trivia game - where one needs to constantly challenge ones own limit.
This is probably the largest trivia site I have come across. The topics range from everything under the sun - from airlines to animals to - you name it and the topic exists.
Under every topic there are a variety of quizzes you can take.
The site can be used as a good brain exercise once every day or more than once. And if not just to test your gray cells one can also use it to learn new things. Although some of the things are too American.
For instance the television/movie section has all trivia about American stars. One doesnt really would know or need to know if one isnt interested in Hollywood alone. That is probably the only drawback of the site.
Otherwise be a member today and get those brain cells polished..