I think Funtrivia is the best trivia site in the world. You learn a lot of things. There are various categories like sports, music, history, geography, maths, science and english. The fractured word categories are also enjoyable. Its free. There is a members page where all your stats are displayed. There are also daily games and hourly games. You can also create quizzes and can rate other quizzes. There are also many interesting things given after each question.
There is also an option for gold membership but it costs about 20 dollars. It is very easy to create a quiz and you have to follow certain rules. If not your quiz is sent back to you. There also the editors and administrators who help out a lot. There is also a discussions forum where no rubbish talk is allowed. There also groups which you can create for you and your friends. On the whole its great. Id say that you should visit it.