In summary, this has been the worst purchase decision of my life. I am a regular and extremely happy online shopper till I came to furnituremart.I ordered a teak wood sofa in Feb 2014 which was delivered to me in March.
The Sofa design is very different from what I saw on the website . The built quality is poor. the upholstery supplied was also not upto the mark.When I contacted them, they refused to accept the mistake and no one even came to my house to attend the problem .
Now just after 3 months of use THE SOFA IS BROKEN, confirming that it was not made of good quality teak wood. Even now when I called their office, there is no empathy and no response.I am left with the only option to move to consumer court now.
reference: furnituremart invoice no; 20140223-MUM-FRN-PO-OD-13-14-00017186