I was surprized not to find this book in the database of Mouthshut. I had to suggest the book to be added here and since its added now, the onus lies on me to write the first review so here I am.
Frankly -among the new age authors I am yet to find someone better than Rushdie who has the best chimerical mind and is so fluid with the language. He is simply fantastic. And surprisingly the sentences come so effortlessly that the original thought behind is not spoiled. There have been authors like Verginia W and Graham Greene who probably had an equivalent understanding of human nature but when it comes to fantasy and language Rushdie has no competition.
Fury is the most criticized book written by Rushdie and I was very apprehensive when I took the book. But then all my doubts slowly melted with the passing pages.He was criticised on the grounds that the book is written under the influence of beauty of his girlfriend and is unnecessarily lewd. Absurd !
The central theme of the novel is deeper than any other novels written by Rushdie. The main protagonist Solanka suddenly leaves his family that includes his wife and a kid son and comes to New York. He is a famous creator of some doll that has acquired a cult following. A lot of commercialization is done around his doll and he earns millions. But that was not what he wanted. He had created the doll out of the anguish and sufferings that were there due to the incompleteness of his life. The doll was closer to his heart and now all this hoopla around it made him realize that he is alone again. Solanka is a good orator , scholar and writer as well. People around him are scandalized over his actions and try hard to convince him to alter his decision.
Once in New York, he wanders on the street for no reason and spends lots of time in observing people and just killing his time here and there. The turning point in his life comes when he meets his love. She is a lady of intellect and extremely beautiful. Enchanted by her beauty, solanka finds colours of his life returning. Though the dilemma and emotional conflict is still there, the love that he receives gives him long lost enthusiasm to create again and he does it .
The story may sound very stereotype but what makes it very different is the treatment that Rushdie gives it. The words chosen to give reign to now famed wild imagination of Rushdie are intoxicating. All the human encounters in the novel are breathtaking, only prerequisite to realize that is one should be in sync with the brain of Solanka
There is no reason why one should not like the book if one can appreciate midnights children and Moors last sigh. Its probably less fantastic but is equally beautiful. Just because there is a similarity with authors personal life doesnt make this a piece of trash !
Just like Rushdies other books this is also a work of magic realism. people who fail to appreciate the book are not able to see the underlying agony of the author and also the just effort to describe the things the way he himself felt.
Some of the portions of the book is classic esp. the area where he describes the beauty of protagonists love interest. Its simply amazing !
Read the book. Its more than worth reading.