This is calculated fraud.You may check other reviews also.They will offer you their membership by showing you list of reputed hotel chains across the country and abroad however they are not at all affiliated with any reputed hotels. Also they will force you to book the membership(by hook or crook) on same day of visit and there is no option of cancellation.
I got a membership for 5 years by paying them 65000 INR and then pay 10000+GST every year to keep your membership active. When you try to book holidays with them, they will give you any random hotel in the city which you may anyways book in less than 3000-4000 INR per night. When you say why I am not getting stay from your affiliated list of hotels, then they would answer that It is subject to availability and is actually never available.
So better book your holidays on your own rather than depending on this Future/FRAUD CHOICE CLUB. Choice is yours.