You are a reputed name in the Retail industry, the man who changed the face of Indian Retail Market and a very respectable person however the companies that you run and the employees under you seems to be not learning a bit from you.
I recently placed one order on your online website which has a HP laptop carry case for a price of Rs. 1 per bag. It was available for sale for more than 5 hous as far as I saw(may be it was availabe for sale for a longer period as well). I made a online payment for 10 pieces and the order was confirmed which I came to know after receiving mail from your end.
Today as a shock, I received a mail informing me that the order which I had placed has been cancelled. Is this the way you have built up your EMPIRE Mr. Biyani? This kind of activites are done by CHOORS and not expected from your company. By doing this, your company is just trying to prove that you and your company is nothing other than big THUGS(CHOORS), Thuuuuu on the practices followed by future bazaar which claims to be one of the best shopping sites in India.Thuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu on you Mr biyani
Whats the pont putting a product for sale when you dont want to honour the order placed by the consumer? Thats the best way to do business. Make people visit your site, increase the number of hits reaching you, also put up products at Rs.1, get the targetted number of orders next day, cancel them. CAN U HELP ME IN OPENING A WEBSITE? Even I will start doing this and when I get good amount of orders and once my website becomes popular, will sell it to ONE CHOOOR like you.
Mr. Biyani, it has taken you 23 years to built it this reputation and has taken not more than 24 hours to spoil this completely. You have lost it completely. One wring decision and the entire empire of Rs. 3000 crores will go in for a toss.
I am a senior reported with Aaj Taak(TV Today Network). I give you 24 hours time to come back to me positively with my 10 pieces of bag and a due compensation(I am asking for compensation because your company cancelled by order and I am investing my time to write to an INDIAN WHO HAS EARNED A LOT MONEY AND NOW HE WILL NOT CARE FOR A CHOTA SAA BUYER LIKE ME), otherwise, Tuesday evening, dont watch any news channel, coz u will not be able to digest the fact which will be on air. Mr. Biyani, I will like to add that I am not trying to presurise you to make the right decision, but want to make you understand that you guys published it on your website that the bag is available for Rs. 1/- and according I ordered, now its ur problem if it was a price error or any damn error. I care a damn . You have accepted the order, fulfill it else for life long, I will keep spitting on your name and your photo life long along with millions of other people .
Let me add one important point. DONT DARE TO CALL ME UP. Just let the communication happen only in black and white. COMMUNICATE WITH ME ONLY VIA E_MAIL. EVERYTHING will be published. This is a chance, dont make it a LOST CHANCE.FULFILL MY ORDER with due COMPENSATION, else FACE IT. Take it the way you want too.
Just to add, My office is not far from your Nariman Point office and if I visit your office, after seeing my visiting card, your seceratary / receiptionist will wake u up even if you are sleeping, just to inform you that I have come.