Futurebazaar is a value internet store, its just not reliable. They have a tendency of putting up things for sale that they do not hold in stock. After 1 to 2 weeks trying to get hold of those items at a profitable margin, if they fail, they cancel the order.
The only bright part is that they do refund the money in a reasonable time period. Of course its not as fast as we would like it to be, but certainly acceptable for the large number of orders I expect they receive.
I can say with some confidence now, do not order when any special discounts are on. Those orders have a high failure rate of getting shipped.
Update: On the recent orders I put in, they did not charge me anything, so when they did end up cancelling the order for lack of availability, all it hurt was some expectations.:) If they had been able to ship the product, they would have charged the amount due.