Placed order on 29/7, received all goods on 7/8, Items not yet assembled as of date (11/8), no response to customer support mails AND REGISTERING A COMPLAINT with complain number.- Except automated "assurances of best service" and "we will inform the concerned department"-
Customer service department lacks teeth to enforce anything and have been programmed to respond with "we will inform the concerned department" (you have to call Bobay on STD to do this mind you!)Officially they will take 7 working days(11 calendar days) MINIMUM to fulfil order 9 working days (13 calendar days) MINIMUM if any assembly is required Double the number of days if the equipment is bad...
I have faced all the above situations!All these groups say there is intense competition but their actions still indicate that they are facing NO competition....very reminiscent of the attitude in the license-permit Raj.PS: Order was assembled on Sunday evening 12/8 - 15days after it was purchased....Needed too much followup to get it done ...better off iwe just walk into a local store and buy-- dont need a large organization for that...