I had broken my screen a month ago and since I had bought an insurance I gave the phone to them. When they returned my phone, the screen did not seem like an original one( LG people confirmed its a local screen). However, I didnt have time to give it to Gadget cops again( they had returned my phone after 2 weeks).
They had even put a local notification light, and a local sensor on the phone due to which I started having problems. I tried to ignore it.
But a few weeks later, I stopped receiving signal on phone and my battery began to show problems to. It would just hang and shut down. Along with showing no signal.
I called the insurance company again, they didnt respond. So I went to their office and met their "Manager" Ashok. After we told them about these complaints, he denied it all saying we dnt use local parts!
After 2 hours, he finally agreed to repair my phone. Surprise, surprise. I received my phone after 2 weeks, and nothing had been repaired! They even called LG center telling them to inform me that my screen is not working!
Needless to say. I am disgusted by their service. They have reduced my amazing Nexus 4, which had no issues to a box!NEVER go to Gadget cops! They are a fraud company, so is their manager Ashok Sharma!