I is now the year 1862 and Japan is finally open to foreigners.In the Japanese language GAI JIN means an outsider or a foreigner.This is the third part in my reviews of the ASIA series by the author James Clavell.Dirk Struan is long dead, and hsi son Culum is trained to take over the NOBLE HOUSE which was the trading house that Dirk founded.Hong Kong by now is the hub of a lot of trading in Asia and a lot people are in the fray to mint money at whatever the cost.I will tell you something honestly.I did not like this book somehow.This time the length of the book (1000+pages) really sapped me.the story was not that great.It was as if the author was out to make some more money or what.the story is not as inspiring as the other books.But at the same time it is not a bad read either.The only thing is he should have increased the pages in the previous book instead of this one.You can skip through some of the chapters.I am sure you will not miss a lot.Onto the next review.