I joined this company just because they were offering me a salary which none of the other company offered. But later I came to know its biggest mistake of my life. Even though this company is in ITPL, this is the worst working infrastructure I had ever seen for working. First thing when I joined they said, they will cut 10000 from my salary and I will get it only after competing one year. Later I understood that nobody really liked to work here. The main reason is the amount of pressure and stress they produce in the work. The onsite managers Praveen, Kiran, Rashmi all of them were so cruel and egoists.
The India management team is simply a group of Egoists. When problem arises every department head tries to defend their role and escape from the issue and none of them actually solves the problem. The offsite project manager Shimpi.. oh god, this guys doesnt know anything. He just notes down everything what team says, he is a like governor nor he takes independent decision or nor he enters to any conflicts. He never takes any responsibility. If you escalate any issues he just ask you only escalate it to onsite team or management and he does nothing about it. Another waste fellow is Suresh warrior. He is such a dumb, the only thing these guys know is make people work, work work and work.
Once they made me work form Friday morning to Sunday evening continuously without letting me to go home. And even after that not even a single appreciation. Horrible place to work. I know they will give some bonus after completion of project, but at the cost of at least a year of frustration, stress and no life with your family etc. This place is only for workoholics like Kartik.