In episode 2, we learnt through Brans visions that Hodor could speak and that his real name was Willis. The mystery of hodor has been revealed in the latest episode "The Door". And it was shattering to see this giant man give up his whole life, change his fate for the sole reason of holding the door to save two lives. I was speechless. The funny "Hodor" turned heart-breaking in this episode. Hodor has been experiencing his own future death for decades, and now he’s feeling it. So Bran time travels to Ned Starks youth and wargs into Willis which makes him relive the current scenario over and over again.(he goes into causality loop).
The Children of the Forest created White Walkers in a bid to protect themselves from the humans using dark magic, a major revelation in todays episode. The weapons of power they created were more than they could handle and White Walkers become enemies of their creators. Everyone in the cave is slaughtered except for Bran and Meera. Hodor is dead. Raven is dead.
Another interesting discovery on the show - Meera killed a white walker. Got me thinking. Was it the spear or was it the hand that wielded it?
Until today, Jon Snow was the only person to have killed a white walker.
If its the hand and not the sword or spear that killed a white walker, then probably Meera and Jon Snow are twins. Yes, theres this fan theory making rounds: In the Tower of Joy, Lyanna Stark gave birth to Jon Snow and Meera Reed. Ned Stark accompanied by his companion, Howland Reed go to rescue Lyanna only to fnd her lying in a pool of blood. Ned takes Jon back to Winterfell and claims as his own. Howland takes Meera to the swamps and gives his name. The two are never told theyre siblings or that theyre the children of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. So, L+R=J&M?
Though this would contradict the book that Meera Reed is Howlands blood. However, considering that the show and book are not exactly the same, we can expect this twist or not?
Although it is too tempting to draw a connection to Jon Snow but its a little far-fetched. It was spearhead that killed the White Walker. Jon Snows sword was made of Valyrian Steel aka dragonsteel while the spearhead was made of dragonglass i.e obsidian, both of which can kill a white walker. While Meera was leaving, Samwell handed her a bag of obsidian(rewind to season 3 where Sam also happened to kill a white walker using the obsidian dagger).
Castle Black:
Im loving Sansas transformation. She seems so confident and strong.
Sansa meets Petyr Baelish aka littlefinger to tell him that hes a lying piece of s#!t. She asks him if he knew what Ramsay did to her when she was abandoned with the Boltons. For once, Baelish was speechless. Power to you, woman! Surprisingly, Baelish tells her about her maternal uncle, Brynden the Blackfish, who has retaken Riverrun and marshalled an army. Later, Sansa lies about how she knew of Brynden to her brother Jon. Maybe she did not trust Baelish to have her brother tempted with the thought of an army.
Sansa, Jon and Davos set out to recruit as many as they can in their fight against the Boltons. Lets hope, North remembers.
And yes, we see Tormund mooning at Brienne again.(Aww, Im totally rooting for them) Brienne leaves to meet the Blackfish,
Iron Islands:
Yara Greyjoy claims to be the queen only to be taken over by Euron Greyjoy, who killed her father Balon Greyjoy. Euron promises his people the riches with a crazy theory that hell marry Daenerys to rule the world.
Yara and Theon escape with the iron fleet while Euron is being drowned.(The Iron Islands way of conferring the throne)
Arya, still under training, and getting the daylights beaten out of her is assigned a task to assassinate an actress by Jaqen Hghar. On her mission, she witnesses a play spoofed on Robert Baratheons death and Ned Starks beheading. Although a righteous man, Ned Stark was politically inept. It pains her to see his death being mocked - Eddard is a village idiot.
Her target is backstage drinking "rum" - thats where the poison will be but she has questions. The faceless man reminds her that a servant doesnt ask questions.
On track to become faceless, I seriously hope Arya doesnt forget her identity. She has to remember that foremost, she is a Stark.
Jorah Mormont confesses his love for Daenerys and that he must leave due to greyscale disease. Not a woman to let him go, Daenerys commands him to find the cure and come back to her.
Tyrion is trying his best to maintain peace in Meereen. Their plan seems to be working, no merchant or slave deaths ever since the negotiation. They need to get the word out, have the masses believe it was their queen who freed them from slavery. Enter, another Red Woman. Also, a priestess of Lord of Light, who believes Daenerys is the chosen one. A sceptical Varys confronts the priestess about Stannis only to be reminded of his castration, his deep dark secret.
Why watch it
This is probably the next best episode after Jon Snows revival. Its only gonna get better from here. Five more episodes to go.
Book and the episodes may be following a different path but the essence remains the same. Some stories are same in book as well as the series.
Whats next
Episode 6 has been titledBlood of my Blood a phrase often used by the Dothraki. Khaleesi might be returning to Meereen with her new army, perhaps?
The official synopsis reads: "An old foe comes back into the picture. Gilly(Hannah Murray) meets Sam’s(John Bradley) family. Arya(Maisie Williams) faces a difficult choice. Jaime(Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) faces off against the High Sparrow(Jonathan Pryce)."
The old foe may be a reference to the architect of Red Wedding - Walder Frey.