Such a waste. Took my fathers life so lightly. Total Commercialization. Dr. Shyam Aggarwal(The so called Cancer Specialist) sitting over there like sitting on a kirana Shop selling masalas. He took my fathers life.
I feel like blasting the whole hospital.
Sincerly request u not to visit Sir Gangaram Hospital. Dr. Shyam Aggarwal is such a waste fellow. Dr. S.K Chadha is no good too. They really should not be doctors.
My fathers treatment was going on in GangaRam Hospital since April, lungs operation was done. Since then all the doctors told us nothing serious and He will be cured 101%. and all the tests were done and all their reports were wrong. Treatment continued and there was no progress. We kept on telling the doctors thatthere may something serious, plz check. They used to fly it away in laughter. 4 Months later when condition became very critical, we went there and sat there in front of the doctor telling them, thatnow we are not going from here. Then they gave us admission and did all the tests. Now it was diagnosed that my dear father had lung cancer and that was in 4th stage.
Now he is not there.
Please, I want to tell you that none of the reports of tests done in Gangaram hospital is correct and the doctors there are not sitting to save peoples life rather they are there to take that money out which they have spent in there education.