Hi, im now going to describe the facts that I have seen during my journey of 4 days from Uttarkashi to Gaumukh...When u started your journey u see the real beauty of the earth & im confident u enjoy it alot.....it will take around 5-6 hours to reach there...when u reach there at gangotri u can easily see the himalaya 123 these r the three peaks u see it very clearly from the gangotri temple during the day...& dont forget to see the ganaga aarti ..it is also very special u also like it alot...
now come to the journey ..the main aim for which u are there to see the gamukh...i was there with my 4 friends in 1998 but I remember each & every instance of my journey..we were there by walk from ganagotri from gaumukh it was aroung 17 kms by feet ...the way is too narrow at that time but we enjoyed alot in our whole journey....we saw alot of water resources coming from mountains & meet in the bhagirathi ...u can dring water very frequently of any of these resources the water is too good... take care of your clothes means try to wear some woolen clothes...during your journey u also see the places in between gangotri 7 gaumukh they are ...cheedwasa & oner is bhojwasa....in cheed wasa u see alot of cheed trees 7 in bhojwasa u get alot of bhoj patras trees.......& if u reach there in night
u got the stay in LAL BABA ASHRAM....when u finally reach the gaumukh u really surprised to see the glacier called gaumukh the origin of ganga...the glacier is too big u havent seen this type of mountain in your life....the glacier is of a little green in colour bcoz of the contact with air...the mouth of that glacier is very small 7 ganga is coming out of it at a very slow flow....i think when u are there u enjoy alot...try to take a bath over there..hope u never took a bath in such acold water in your life....
thats it
im indu bhushan mishra here