Right so this is a rage now-da-days. This movie is being talked aboutevery where. Let me make it obvious as to how this review is going tobe.
I didnt like the movie. So if you want to continue, please do so at your own will.
Gangster-Alove Story, is a Mahesh Butt directed movie, which thrives on the "Alove story" part. It is supposed to be humane and touching and issupposed to be a different view of the gangsters love life, from thegangsters lovers perspective.
The gangster is Shiney Ahuja. Hes acute looking chap, who doesnt really look like the most ferociousperson youve ever met. But now I think you people will be saying thatnew age killers ARENT supposed to look like killers. Agreed. But hebehaves like a guy who just got out of coma. Hes gotta be like theDULLEST gangster ever. He doesnt talk much. Just stares, cries, testifies and bascially does shit that pisses you off.
The leadheroine is some other bitch who has pissed EVERYBODY with her poordialogue delivery and "Im-a-confused-person-who-is-on-drugs" attitude.Her problem is that she cant stop drinking an bitching about her deadher life is coz she loved a gangster. So she bascially goes on and onabout how HER dreams werent fulfilled, how SHE wasnt given the freedomshe wanted, HER HER HER, and I guess that sorta says it all.
Nowwe have the Emraan Hashmi aka Bollywood pimp. This dudes sole aim inbollywood is to make young girls who know they cant act shit, losetheir on-screen virginity. Im sorry that Emraan has become astereotypical womaniser no matter what role he playes.
Acha sothe story is this, girl loves gangster. Gangster has to do gangwork(which is never shown in the movie), girl become an alcoholicbecause her son is killed in an encounter. Now the interesting thingabout this gangster is that hes charming and immensely romantic. Hesnot your average "I wanna nail you" sleaze ball. This guy has feelings, and respects this girl and doesnt have sex with her (perhaps for theentire movie), the child incase you were wondering, was adopted. Manthis guy just doesnt fit to be a gangster.
Meanwhile, this girlstarts finding great friendsship with Emraan Hashmi who is a singer insome bar whose name I dont really remember. So now this girl is analcoholic and turs up at emraans house in the wee hours of the morningalmost nude, asking for whisky. You think this is freaky?
She finds him really nice and is attracted by him, and well the obvious happens, Hashmi goes to bed with her.
Nowwe cant have one guy screwing around with another mans wife, that tooa world class gangster, and the gangster just being ignorant. So thisgangster dude finds out and beats the crap out of our romeo, and thegirl takes hashmis side(yawn). Now our gangster dude, cries and beggsher to take her back. So now we know this gangster has no self esteemand that he has major comittment issues. Hes sort of a metro-sexualgangster in an obscure way.
So, now gangster has a shift of heart, and decides to quit doing his black business, and the in the movie thisis portrayed as something which is as easy as breaking a kit-kat into 2 pieces.
Sonow our gangster who used to earn millions by killing others now doesphysical hard labor and gets few currency notes. What a waste of talent.
Nowthey decide to leave Korea and go back to India, for which gangsterpromises the girl that he has to get fake passports or else police willget them busted. While doing so, he meets the don, who is infact hisgrandpa, but much more eveil(Gulshan Grover), he goes on and on abouthow the girl has distracted this prodigy, and now the gangster must bekilled and the girl abused by his men sexually. Well gangster is smart, he kills grover instead surprise surprise
Meanwhile, the girlsomehow meets hashmi and confesses that she is pregnant. Hasmi actslike the perfect gentleman and tells her to turn gangster in marry himinstead(how convenient), because he can take better care of thebaby.Now the dumb bitch is utterly confused because hasmi is messingwith her brain. She stops thinking.
Acha now comes and interestingscene. She is waiting at seoul station, and waits and waits and finallygangster comes, all bruised and battered like a war hero. He is nearly100 metres in front of her. He slips and starts falling off the steps, she starts running towards. He fall on a surface. She stops too. Now heagain starts slipping down further more stairs, and she continues herjogging till he stops moving. So bascially what we have here is amathematical function known as "When he fall, she run"
So after along time, they connect and guess what? A million police vehiclesarrive and gangster is super pissed and super surprised, he doesnt sayone word, screams a lot though. Oh the betrayal. But apparently thegirl did this to SET HIM FREE. snorts, Yeah right.
So now she goesto Hashmi, who infact turns out to be a police officer who used her. Heindirectly confesses that she sucks in the bed and that he was doinghis nation a favor and comitting a personal sacrifice by having sexwith this girl(what a strange thing to say for a pimp).
She isshocked. She is angry She takes a gun and kills emraan hasmi, notbefore he takes a gun and shoots her shoulder. Hashmi dies. Meanwhilegirl gets a letter from gangster who is in jail saying that "Heunderstod what she did and doesnt blame her. He knos she was tricked".I tell you people, this guy is too sweet to be a gangster. TOO sweet.Hes got to have an alter ego, because this man is too much of a pussyto kill kids and women mercilessly.
RIGHT! Now the girl and thegangster have an instant connection and she understands him. She goesto the top of the hospital in which she is admitted, screams a littlebit and jumps from the 20th floor at the same instant this gangster guyis hung. Talk about timing.
The last seen is copied from Gladiator, withonly the roles reversed. Here the girl enters the field(supposedlyheaven) with the gangster and kid laughing out loud and well the movieends.
I didnt like the movie.
However it has a great soundtrackHonestly. The songs are amazingly sung with great back groud scoreslike all Mahesh Butt movies. Its an addictive album. Ya ali, tuhi shabhai are one of the best hindi songs Ive heard this year.