There is a sense of calm and serenity, symbolized by the stupas and monasteries in Gangtok. With different cultures and religion existing in perfect harmony, Gangtok has shown that Unity in Diversity exists in Sikkim. Sikkimese have strong bonding with their age-old traditions and customs. However, a quick survey of Gangtok shows that the bubble of modernization has burst with a bang in the town. The capital is definitely not behind the rest of the world in terms of urbanization - Broad roads, flyovers, posh markets, state-of-art hospital, educational institutes, fast food outlets, discothèques, and all other modern amenities that the heart can desire for. One imposing manmade landmark of the town is the 200 ft-high TV tower which overlooks the town and is situated near the Enchey Monastry below Ganesh Tok. A stroll along the Mahatma Gandhi Marg is shoppers delight- Hotels, restaurants, curios, footwear and almost everything is available. Be here to experience the magic.