Garden Cafe is a misnomer of sorts, because there is no‘garden’ to be precise. But I love gardens when they mean no mosquitoes or the damp. There are plants and there are fountains, .
In lack of a better term (they are water bodies at best) but I must not spend another second criticizing this lovely little place. Or, I must postpone it in any case.
The truth is, I fell in love with it when I went there for the first time. And I have only returned. Needless to say, I am quite attached to the place. I love the food there.
Especially the dal makhani and aloo parantha and paneer butter masala and naan combo, and in my personal opinion, the dosa. Others also fair well enough. The prices are quite fair, considering the ones in the rest of the city and the ambiance is okay.
You have the option to sit in the open (the aforementioned illusive garden) or inside where you have glass windows to enable you to enjoy the view of the said garden. Rest assured, if you sit outside in just the right conditions, you will not notice the fact that there is in fact no garden but all the benefits of one. Really, I realized it while typing the first line of the review.
Also, it is quite versatile. It can be romantic, relaxing, fun or the place for family outings. My unfair, unbiased, in-love-with-Garden Café advice to you is to give it a try. I know people who have loved it and I know people who went meh. But don’t let them stop you! Go! Go!
If and only if they could tell their waiters they are here to serve us…it’s no that they are rude or something, it’s like they secretly believe that if they ignore you enough, you will shut up about your order. And why they would want that, only they know.Regardless, it’s worth every visit I have made and I hope will not disappoint you.