I visited Garden Court on 30 Sept for dinner with my 15 coleagues. I am a pure veg and inspite of asking several times they served me Non-veg food and I ate it due to assurance of waiter that its veg. After tasting I knew it was non-veg and the manager also confirmed the same. This was height of unprofessionalism. When I asked for feedback form they said they dont have it. I asked for a sorry letter on letter head but they said they dont have it. They refused to give a written apology letter even on plain paper. In bill also they removed that non-veg item.
It hurted my religeous feelings.
In past also I had a very bad experience with Staff and Service. I will never recommend this restaurent to anyone. It was a nightmare for me. I couldnt eat anything after that and vomited a lot.
I was feeling so unwell after that I couldnt sleep and it afftected my health as well.