Garuda from MTNL is a great innovation. It is soooo cheap. AND ITS MOBILE. MTNL has done a great job, and believe me they have also done their homework well. Their service is also good. The network coverage is much much better than expected. ABOVE THAT they hav cheap prices. WHAT ELSE DO U WANT!!!.
The current mobile providers charge an exhorbitant 1.90 per 1 min outgoing and incoming, where as GARUDA gives the customer a privilage of JUST 1.20 for 3 mins and <u> INCOMING FREE</u>. Isnt that GREAT!!!!
Everyone thought that it would be a POOR service from MTNL but it has shut all mouths.
Brilliant MTNL
(P.S. If u stil havent registered, its still OPEN!!!! so go as soon as possible!!!!)