Hi, I have got a garuda Fw wireless set installed at my residence about 6 months back due to the unavailability of landline in my area. It works fine. Voice clarity is good as well, although at times calls have got cut in between. I have opted for the unlimited plan of MTNL which seems to be good. The instrument is a Huawei - china made one, and configuring internet on it is easy. I had some trouble getting the Data cable and driver cd from MTNl (The problem is that since the service is recently launched, very few people in MTNL really know about the settings and config.) Surprisingly when I asked for the CD, I was given a directory CD by customer care. some even said that internet is not available on garuda. I finally managed to get the Data cable and CD rom by the support of some senior officials from MTNL. However, I had to do the installation on my own. It was simple and involved connecting the data cable ( 9 pin serial port male and other side USB ) to my PC, configuring the phone as a modem, settings , loading the drivers and then dialing. Internet connection was quick after dialing . I realised that I could not make or receive calls when using the internet. The net speed is very very bad at times. Very often the internet server is down and no connection is available for 2-3 days. The helpdesk service is as good as useless. They claim 230 kbps speed (That is what appears on the menu bar), but in reality it feels like 0.000000023 bps.. many times the server does not respond and then I end up dialing internet several times.
Overall the phone service is good but internet service is very pathetic. I am using it just because I have no other option. It would be a good decision for those who want to talk but not surf. . Those who want to know more can write to me on skarve@vsnl.com