December 2, 2009
Dear Mr Nag,
This letter has been written and posted to you on 02/12/2009.
I am forwarding the same to you as you have not received the previous mail for your perusal and necessary action.
I am only attaching the Invoice given by M/s J K Packers and Movers, Kolkata
Dr Pinaki Ranjan Bhattacharyya
-December 1, 2009
Dear Mr Nag,
I am awfully sorry to start with that I have faced a traumatic experience with a service provider like GATI Limited. I think you will also appreciate the same with me as you go through my mail:
1) I had contacted GATI Limited for carrying my household goods from Kolkata to Dehradun in October 2009 and I spoke to Mr Rajeev Kar, your employeee at GATI Kolkata. Mr Jahar Kar then called me and came to my house the same day in the evening. He introduced himself as an employee of GATI Kolkata Office at Taratala and spoke to me regarding the services of packing, loading, unloading and unpacking at Dehradun of my household goods through GATI Limited. He gave me an estimate of Rs 13, 000/- for packing and insurance and Rs 11, 000/- for shipment.
Mr Kar told me before 1 day of despatch(22/11/09) that the packing will be done by an associate of GATI Limited as GATI does not do packing directly, but the responsibility will be only with GATI Limited. I took him with trust as the brand name of GATI Limited is involved . Accordingly Mr Kar came to my house on 23/11/09 morning at around 10.30 am with only three men. During packing I found that many of items are not packed properly and I requested him to do proper packing. But he assured me that the consignment will be sent to Dehradun at one go and hence there will be no damage. At 10.30 pm on 23/11/09 his men could finish packing and Mr Kar took the material at 11.30 pm at night( Docket No 441312700), an attachment of the bill is enclosed for your perusal and necessary action, assuring me that the goods will be sent the same night. He gave me a bill in the name of M/s J K Packers and Movers. I protested against payment but he told me that M/s J K is an associate of GATI Limited.
I requested him to deliver the material on 28/11/09 as I will reach Dehradun on 29/11/09 morning. He even assured me that it will be done as he has got good connections even with MD of the Company by virtue of his long association with the Company. Still he said that at most delivery will be made on 30/11/09. And meanwhile he will keep me informed about the consignment. During this period Mr Kar had done the insurance through UNITED INDIA ASSURANCE CO LTD.
2) I was not informed anything during this period. On 29/11/09 morning, I called up your Customer Care Service and I found that the material is still on road. I called you, if you remember and requested you to help me. You called me up after half an hour and told me that the material is lying at Ambala as a part shipment and will take two(2) days from Ambala to reach Dehradun. You also requested me to speak to Mr Laxman Kesarkar at Ambala and accordingly after speaking to him I found that Mr Laxman has taken great pain to see that my material reaches Dehradun on 01/12/09. I really thank you and Mr Laxman for the service and support and help. All this while I had to stay at a guest house as the material was not delivered.
3) After much persuation and phone calls, the materials had come to Dehradun on 01/12/09 afternoon. But I found the following items to be damaged, broken. Moreover to add to my woes, your Dehradun office representative Mr Neeraj, Mr Satish misbehaved with me and my family and totally non-cooperated with us - WHICH I NEVER EXPECTED FROM AN EMPLOYEE OF GATI LIMITED - and that too, when the customer has been harassed and pained for no fault of the customer, and even after receiving full payment in advance.
4) The damage list is as follows:
a) Teak Wood Cot - 1 Side Panel Broken and 2 Ply broken, 2 Lock and Back Panel broken - Rs 8, 000/-
b) 1 Wooden Cupboard - Leg broken and Lock Panel broken - Rs 1000/-
c) 1 SANSUI COLOUR TV - Completely Broken - Rs 7000/-
d) 1 IFB Microwave - One Side Completely Damaged - Rs 5500/-
e) 1 TV Wooden Stand - Completely Damaged - Rs 2000/-
f) 1 Computer Table - Broken - Rs 1500/-
g) 1 Aluminium Trunk - Bottom totally broken - Rs 700/-
h) 1 GLASS Set of 6 Pcs - Broken - Rs 600/-
i) 1 Baby Cycle(HERO) - Front Panel broken, Tray Broken and Back Seat broken - Rs 500/-
Total Damage Done: Rs 26800/-
Total Payment Made: for my overstay at Hotel: Rs 1800/-
Lastly, I ask you one question: How can Mr Jahar Kar, Mr Sanjeev Kar, Mr Satish Sharma and Mr Neeraj behave so rudely with a customer who has already suffered while they are introducing themselves as an employee of GATI Limited? Is this you Companys Policy and Mission?
I make a total claim of Rs 28600/- to GATI for mistrust, misbehaviour, overstaying, failure of delivery and breach of trust.
If I do not receive any response and my grievances are not resolved within next 72 hours, I will file a case in the court of law against GATI Limited and all those employees of GATI Limited at Kolkata and Dehradun who were responsible for such traumatic act and caused harassment to me and my family for the past seven days.
With regards,
Dr Pinaki Ranjan Bhattacharyya,