20 may:-
My friend booked a parcel with gati( 10 kgs, slip attached)
29 may:-
We check for status of parcel after 9 days. Shock to find the status as invalid in the website. Lodged a formal complaint with gati and send all details
2 june:-
After 5 days of lodging a complaint, no one has called nor any update on status. Helpline is sadly very helpless. We presume that the staff have stolen the parcel as it contained expensive clothings.
Read the fine lines. Seems they will compensate for loses to maximum value of rs 400 per kg.
Lesson learnt:-
Never use gati to send expensive items
Make sure that you take the details of gati staff who collects the parcel and his photo. Useful when lodging an fir
Should rename the helpline to helpless line