My consignment was delivered by Gati almost a month after the dispatch date. The promised delivery time was 7 days.
The Consignment was booked on 6th of July, 2009 from Bangalore. The Consigment was recieved on 4th of August, 2009 in Patna. There were tons of excuse in the mean-time.
One excuse was that tere was a strike going on in one of theconnecting cities. When I tracked the status on the internet, the Consignmentwas stuck in Kolkata for 20 days. I later found this excuse to be baseless.
Another excuse was that the delivery address was not written properlyor legibly on the Consignment. I had written the Delivery Address and Mobilenumber of the recipient on the form very clearly. The same addresswas not copied over, by the Gati Franchise Owner, to the consignment later when the packing was doneand labels were stuck.
At one point, on the 29th of July, I also got a false report from Gatithat the package had already been delivered. I checked up with the recipent andalso tracked the status on the internet and found that to be false. The packagewas actually delivered on the 4th of August.
There was no follow up from the Gati employees. I needed to call the customer care numbereverytime and get a status update from them and hear all those excuses. Finally, the consignment wasdelivered after 28 days and there were no talks of compensation from Gati. The Gati Franchise that handled the despatch was located in HAL Market, Bangalore and they created the whole mess by sticking the incorrect / illegible labels on the consignment.