Science fiction is a genre thats difficult to handle for writers, directors and actors. If its not well adapted on screen, it would look like a mislead cartoon. To make it successful the whole cast and crew have to work very hard in all the departments ranging from the concept, the story, sound, acting to screenplay and above all make people believe in your belief.
It will not be an exaggeration to say that this movie scores well on all the fronts. Lets analyze them one by one.
The Concept: Set in near future where a human beings success is predicted at the time of his/her birth by deriving details from their genes. Based on the details he is categorized into genetically superior or inferior being. While the genetically superior ones are given jobs and assignments considered to be elite, the inferiors are given menial tasks to perform.
So no matter how much interested you are in a job you will get it only if you are worthy of it by your genes and not by your abilities. The protagonist Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hwake) who is portrayed as a genetically inferior and rejected for the elite jobs he wanted to be in is going to defy the system by working for Gattaca, an elite space mission company. Will he be able to protect his identity from being discovered by the routine checkups to eradicate the defaulters and penalize them? Will he be able to prove that a no science can predict the ability of a human being based on their physical traits? Will he be able to compete with the genetically superior counterparts? Will he be able to fulfill his dream of going to a space mission - a rare opportunity? And above all will he be able to come out clean in a murder committed in Gattaca premises?
Acting: The performances by all the actors is believable and convincing. Everyone has acted as they should with no exaggeration. They made the audience believe about the inner qualities of humans whether it is passion to achieve something, love, betrayal, fear, handling difficult circumstances, superiority, kindness or harshness. Ethan Hwake has looked at his best and delivered a great performance about the trauma and dilemma of a genetically inferior human being. One scene where his cover is about to be blown while taking a surprise blood test and the manner he handles it make the audience feel relieved. Jude Law had done justice to the role of a genetically superior prodigy and an obsessed person about success. Uma Thruman has looked great and has played Ethans love interest well. She also excels in the scenes where she comes face to face with Ethans reality. The actors have thus succeeded in delivering the fiction in a great way.
Sound: The sound is carefully crafted according to the situations and give an element of thrill. The sound of the future gas turbine cars and other gadgets is quite good.
Screenplay: The screenplay is outstanding. The mood of the film, the screen, the incidents and events are quite nicely woven. The scenes do not look hay wired which is a challenge for the producers and directors. The events are well linked in a logical manner with flashbacks that keep the audience interested in the story. It makes them believe of about the idea the writer and director are trying to convey and connects well with the audience.
The script is tight and keeps the audience glued and at the edge of their seats. A speculation is always there in the minds of the audience about what is going to happen next and the pace of the movie is perfect. It builds the story and characters well and people will always want more. Camera work is outstanding and the 1950s modern architecture is chosen for important places and buildings. Despite being a futuristic science fiction rarely any special effects are used which works in the favor of the movie. Unnecessary high tech cool gadgets would have destroyed the tone of the movie. The less the gadgets the more will be attention on characters and story unlike the Transformer series.
Though the movie did not do well at the box-office but was critically acclaimed at the time of its release (1997) and has held high rating over all the movie rating websites. It is highly recommended for the people looking for a great and engrossing science fiction movie.