Says Jeff Goldblum when he discovers that the all-female dinosaur herd in Jurassic Park is spontaneously changing gender in order to breed.
Life will find a way.
Human schemes to control the Darwinian life mechanisms always seem to fail.
In Jurassic Park, it fails due to an unforeseen side-effect of the process: - gender-changing Amazonian frog genes used to fill in the missing DNA for the dinos.
In Gattaca, its another aspect :- the will of the individual, resisting standardization and conformity, determined to influence its own destiny.
Its a future, where people selectively bred to possess a perfect physiognomy and high IQ, and normal people are now outcasts. Ethan Hawke plays the guy outside the system, trying to pass off as the perfect Jude Law, so he can get on his dream space mission.
The whole movie is as tense as a tight-rope walk. Both Jude Law and Ethan Hawke turn in heart-pounding performances - Hawke desperate to realize his dream, amid fears of his inadequacies and of being discovered as an imposter. Law, former golden boy, now disillusioned with his future and trying to help Hawke, tilting between cynicism, bitterness and hope for Hawkes success.
Movies about individuals against the system, and underdogs fighting impossible odds always make for good viewing. Dont be turned off by the sci-fi platform, if thats not your thing. Its just a story background, and a setting for some stark visuals and cinematography.
Its a neck-and-neck race between Jude Law and Uma Thurman for the title of Most Beautiful. (Handsome is too mild a word for boy Jude here, he could easily be endorsing hair highlights and skin products :-)). Uma Thurman is in a gentler mood than Kill Bill. Initially she seemed to be just the female angle, but is actually a third point-of-view, as a symbol of the capacity for failure in any assembly line, a less than perfect product.
A good date-movie, methinks. Theres romance, high tension, and some beautiful people to set the mood.